Privacy Policy for Plan Manager Introduction Welcome to Plan Manager, an app dedicated to assisting nutritionists in managing their clients' meal plans. This Privacy Policy outlines our practices regarding the collection, use, protection, and disclosure of personal information received from users of the app. Information Collection In using Plan Manager, we may collect the following types of information: Personal Data: Information provided by nutritionists about themselves and their clients, such as names, contact details, and professional credentials. Meal Plan Data: Specific meal plan details, dietary preferences, and related notes provided by the nutritionist for each client. Use of Information The information collected is used for: Facilitating the management and customization of meal plans for clients. Providing and improving the app functionalities. Communicating with users for app-related purposes. Data Protection Client Confidentiality: We prioritize the confidentiality of client data. Nutritionists are responsible for obtaining consent from their clients to input and manage their meal plan data using our app. Security Measures: We implement robust security measures to protect against unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, or destruction of personal information. Compliance with Data Privacy Laws Plan Manager adheres to applicable data protection laws, ensuring compliance with regulations in the regions we operate, including GDPR in Europe and relevant data protection laws in the United States and Canada. Changes to This Privacy Policy We reserve the right to update or change our Privacy Policy at any time. We will notify users of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on the app. Contact Us If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at